So, you’ll probably notice that I haven’t posted much in the way of new opinion pieces or gaming news lately. I’ll go through sporadic periods where I’ll write a ton of content, followed by long lulls. This site is also a hobby. I’ve never monetized it, and its number of visitors is pretty low, so it’s not a priority when things get busy. However, over the last year I’ve really scaled things back. Hell, there’s still stuff from last Christmas on the front page. So what exactly have I been up to lately? Dicking around?
Well, over the past year and a half, I’ve been dealing with some health issues. Thanks to Canada’s craptastic healthcare system, I still don’t know what’s wrong with me. Just a lot of what it’s (probably) not. I’ve also dealt with anxiety for a long time, which these aforementioned issues, combined with the coof lockdowns, only served to make worse. Resulting in a few panic attacks. Unfortunately, thanks to living in what’s now essentially a third world dictatorship, there’s not a ton of help available for stuff like that. My GP also hasn’t been very supportive. So I’ve had to learn how to manage things on my own. Which, after reading a lot of books and watching a lot of psychology videos, I’m starting to get the hang of. I’m in a lot better place physically and mentally than I was this time last year. But I still have bad days. Days where I feel completely drained of energy and motivation on top of feeling a wee bit shite. I’ll often get home from work and crash on the couch, and just zone out watching YouTube until bedtime.
To try and mitigate this, I’ve started making exercise a bigger priority. I bought a kayak that I take out to the little lake we have in town once a week. I’ve also been booting around on my bike most evenings, trying to improve my cardio health. My day job is also keeping me busy with a major project. So I don’t have as much time for gaming as I used to, let alone writing about gaming and hardware. Not that there’s much to write about to begin with.
The last two years have been, pardon my French, absolute shit for video games. Well, things have really been on decline for the last five, but 2020 is when things dove right off the proverbial cliff. Largely thanks to the CCPVirus. Given the crippling hardware shortages and endless stream of delays, there’s not much to really cover. Of the stories that are being talked about, I feel like they’ve already been talked to death. To the point where I don’t really have much to add which hasn’t already been said. The degenerate Western AAA games industry is still peddling gambling to children to a degree that would make Bugsy Seagal blush, while unironically making an endless stream of mindlessly woke content. And those games are still being released in an appallingly broken state at launch. Even the indie scene has been pushing out some right rubbish. How many more walking sims about depression do we really need? It’s gotten to the point where it’s getting hard to find genuinely good games to play. Meanwhile, the games media still runs PR defense for these garbage corporations, while still hating on gamers with the passion of Amy Schumer scarfing down a Denny’s Grand Slam. I’ve already written about all these things several times already. It’s just beating a dead horse at this point.
Until things pick up, I think I’ll try to focus on maybe slapping up a review or feature at least once a month. News is too crowded a space. I’ve thought about doing a monthly podcast, but we’ll see. Fortunately, this site is still fairly cheap to operate, so it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. But I’m certainly open to suggestions of what you’d like to see. Remember you can follow me on Minds.