Christmas is a time for giving, for spending time with family, and curling up next to a roaring fire with a game and the soft glow of the TV.
Many of us began our gaming careers at this time of year. Waking up early to tear open into that glorious piece of electronic power that Santa had sent down the chimney. Something which went beyond a simple child’s toy and turned itself into a life long obsession. That’s what it was like for me.
It was Christmas 1993. While other kids were dreaming about Mario and Link, my school was Sega crazy. Come to think of it, I don’t recall too many kids in my class having a Super Nintendo. The Genesis was the bee’s knees, and man, did I want one so bad.
Only one problem. My Dad absolutely despised video games. Now, I didn’t come from a religious family. It was more that he thought games were mindless drivel. The very sort of thing only a literal drooling idiot would spend their time doing. This was from a man who would immediately turn on the television as soon as he got in from work, and stay glued to the boob tube until he fell asleep. In fact, this has become a full time gig for him, now that he’s retired. At least outside golf season. However, the irony remained completely lost on him. His son was to get out there and play sports, not “play” sports.
Needless to say, my odds of getting that Genesis were pretty slim. I’d only get to hear my friends, and enemies, talk about how great this new Sonic game was. Or if they were really lucky, maybe they brought their Game Gear to school. However, I asked Santa anyway in hopes that maybe the Big Guy would be able to sneak it past the Old Man.
So there I am, on Christmas morning. Some 26 years ago. There’s a large box wrapped up neat under the tree. I tear it open, and inside there’s a brand spanking new Genesis Model 2 with a copy of Sonic 2 and Aladdin. YES! Santa delivered. Well, turns out it was more like Mrs. Claus. Or rather, my Mom. The Old Man was none to pleased with this idea, but he had relented. It also turns out my Mom had good choice in games. Not too bad for someone who only played Majong Solitaire on my dad’s home office computer.

I spend the whole day playing those games, and no, I didn’t shoot my eye out. Nor did my brain turn into a puddle of warm soup. Though it remains to this day the best Christmas present I had received to that point, or would ever receive.
In the following years, that Genesis became the centre of many an argument. My dad remained staunchly anti-video game, and would do his best to keep me off the thing. But I was already bit by the bug, which later led me on to PC gaming. That would develop into a full fledged hobby that gave me the technical skills I needed to succeed in my current career.
Since then, the Old Man has softened his stance on gaming. Though not to the point where he actually plays them himself. However, I did end up returning the favour and bought them a Wii one Christmas. Something my Mom had been wanting for quite some time. Like many people their age though, the thing got used for two weeks before it was left to collect dust. For that short time though, Dad actually seemed to enjoy playing the golf game in Wii Sports Resort. It’s impressive how that Nintendo charm can still crack even the most ardent non-gamers.
Today, I still have my original Sega Genesis. It’s become an annual tradition to whip it out and play some Sonic 2 and Aladdin. Sometimes it’s nice to go back to where it all started, and just enjoy some great games.