Sonic 2 HD project gets revived

Sonic HD is back. The team behind the popular fan game announced on their blog this week that the project is no longer dead. Work has begun once again to bring this beloved Genesis classic into the high definition age.

For those unfamiliar with the project, the game seeks to update Sonic The Hedgehog 2 with full HD hand drawn graphics and animation.  After three years of work, the team released a gorgeous alpha demo back in 2012. However, a rift eventually developed between them and their lead programmer, going by the screen name LoST. He walked away with the project, taking most of his work with him. So the game basically had to be programmed again from the ground up. Thankfully, a fan stepped up to the plate and offered up a new engine, which the team is using.

With the art assets of Emerald Hill Zone already completed, the team is working on developing Chemical Plant Zone. They are currently looking for artists experienced in Photoshop, vector art, and blending models. You can hit up the Sonic 2 HD blog for instructions on how you can submit sample artwork.

We’re just glad to see this fan project live on, and breath new life into one of our all time favourite games.

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