The Broke Canuck Deals of the Week: April 26th

End of the month and you’ve got your bills paid. You’re broke Canuck. I don’t know about you but it’s still damn cold outside where I am. Keep some cash in your wallet to insulate your butt. So why not curl up with some video game deals.

Watch Dogs (PS4) $59.99, save $10

Watch Dogs LE (PS4) $139.99, save $10

Infamous: Second Son (PS4) $50.78, save $20

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag (PS4) $39.99, save $20

Killzone:Shadow Fall (PS4) $39.99, save $20

Need for Speed: Rivals (PS4) $39.99, save $20

Call of Duty Ghosts (PS4) $39.95, save $20


Forza Motorsport 5: Standard Edition (XB1) $39.99, save $20

Battlefield 4 (XB1) $39.99, save $20

Dead Rising 3 – Standard Edition (XB1) $39.99, save $20

Thief (XB1) $36.99, save $24

Call of Duty Ghosts (XB1) $39.99, save $20

Ryse (XB1) $43.14 save $17

Kinect Sports Rivals Xbox One with Bonus (XB1) $50.99, save $9


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U) $44.99, save $10

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U) $28.49, save 11

Sonic Lost World (Wii U) $34.99, save $15

Nintendo Mario & Luigi Deluxe Wii U $286.00, save $14

Rayman Legends (Wii U) $26.99, save $33

Pikmin 3 (Wii U) $40.48, save $20


Beyond Two Souls (PS3) $29.99, save $30

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag (PS3) $39.99, save $20


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (360) $25.02, save $35

Xbox 360 320 GB Hard Drive $99.99, save $10

Grand Theft Auto V (360) $39.99, save $20

Just Dance 2014 (360) $19.99, save $20

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (360) $19.99, save $10


Pokémon Y (3DS) $29.99, save $10

Nintendo Silver 3DS XL with Mario & Luigi  $186, save $14

Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS) $29.99, save $20


Persona 4 Golden (Vita) $16, save $14


OUYA Console $79.99, save $30


Best Buy Canada

WWE 2K14 (360) $29.99, save $10

12-month Xbox Live Gold Membership with purchase of Xbox One $44.99, save $15

Forza 5, Ryse, or Dead Rising 3 (XN1) $39.99 each, save $20

Xbox One Controller and Play & Charge Kit $54.99 with purchase of Xbox One console, save $20

Turtle Beach EarForce XO SEVEN headset $169.99 with purchase of Xbox One, save $20

Just Dance 2014 (PS4) $39.99, save $10

$10 off Watch Dogs if pre-ordered online
Future Shop

Xbox One with free Call of Duty Ghosts $499.99, save $60

Nintendo 2DS and accessory bundle $129.99, save $20



Call of Duty Ghosts (XB1) $34.99, save $25

$10 Dead Rising 3, Just Dance 2014, FIFA 14, and Forza 5 for Xbox One

Forza 5, Ryse, or Dead Rising 3 (XN1) $39.99 each, save $20

Xbox One Controller, $39.99 with purchase of Xbox One, save $20

12-month Xbox Live Gold Membership with purchase of Xbox One $44.99, save $15


GameStop/EB Games

Buy any Xbox One and save $20 off Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, Ryse, or extra controller

Trade 1, get $50 off PlayStation 4 between April 26th and 27th. Applicable titles include: Assassins Creed IV (PS4, Xbox One), Dark Souls II (PS3, Xbox 360), Fifa World Cup Soccer 2014 (PS3, Xbox 360), Forza Motorsport 5, Kinect Sports Rivals, Lego Hobbit (PS4, Xbox One), MLB 14: The Show (PS3), Need For Speed: Rivals (PS4, Xbox One), South Park: The Stick Of Truth (PS3, Xbox 360), Titanfall (Xbox One, Xbox 360)

DualShock 3 New Owner’s Kit (PS3) $39.99, save $30

Mass Effect Trilogy (PS3/360) $29.99, save $10

Save $10 off Assassin’s Creed IV for all systems

Diablo 3 (360) $44.99, save $15


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