Happy Easter you broke Canuck you. It’s a beautiful spring long weekend, which means your inside gaming. Well, at least you cracked a window. That wallet if feeling a little light though after you blew all your money on that crate of cream eggs. Simmer down, there’s some good game sales on this week to tide you over until next pay day. Check out your latest deals of the week.
The PlayStation network is having a 99 cent flash sale on a whole bunch of games for PS3 & Vita, this weekend only. Deals end April 21st, 2014.
Watch Dogs (PS4) $49.49, save $20
Rayman Legends (PS4) $29.99, save $15
Infamous: Second Son (PS4) $58.45, save $11
Wolfenstine: The New Order (PS4) $59.49, save $10
Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4) $39.99, save $20
Call of Duty Ghosts (PS4) $39.95, save $20
Dead Rising 3 (XBOne) $39.99, save $20
Rayman Legends (XBOne) $29.99, save $15
Call of Duty Ghosts (XBOne) $34.95, save $25
FIFA 14 (XBOne) $39.39, save $20
Lego Marvel Super Heros (XBOne) $24.93, save $25
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U) $23.49, save $16
DKC: Tropical Freeze (Wii U) 46.49, save $8
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Wii U) $25.89, save $34
Mass Effect 3 (Wii U) $9.95, save $30
Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) $46.99, save $13
Persona 4 Golden (Vita) $16, save $14
South Park: The Stick of Truth (PS3) $47.99, save $17
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (PS3) $29.95, save $30
Final Fantasy X / X2 HD (PS3) $39.99, save $5
Call of Duty Ghosts (PS3) $39.95, save $20
Rayman Legends (PS3) $17.99, save $42
Grand Theft Auto V (360) $39.99, save $20
Titanfall (360) $49.98, save $10
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (360) $29.95, save $30
Call of Duty Ghosts (360) $39.95, save $20
Buy an Xbox One and save $20 off Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, Ryse, or extra controller
Far Cry 3 (PS3/360) $19.99, save $10
Fuse (PS3/360) $19.99, save $10
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (PS3/360/PC) $39.99, save $10
NBA Live 14 (PS4/XB1) $29.99, save $20
PlayStation All-Stars (PS3) $9.99, save $10
Twisted Metal (PS3) 9.99, save $10
Lego: The Movie (PS3/360/Wii U) $39.99, save $10
Lego: The Movie (XB1/PS4) $49.99, save $10
Lego: Marvel Super Heroes (PS3/360/Wii U) $29.99, save $10
Lego: Marvel Super Heroes (PS4/XB1) $39.99, save $10
Lego: Marvel Super Heroes (3DS/Vita) $19.99, save $10
South Park: The Stick of Truth (360/PS3/PC) $54.99, save $10
BestBuy Canada
Xbox One Tomb Raider Bundle $499.99, save $60
FIFA 14 (XBOne) $49.99, save $10
Need for Speed Rivals (XBOne) $49.99, save $10
Thief (XBOne) $44.99, save $15
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag (XBOne) $39.99, save $20
Xbox One Wireless Controller with purchase of console $39.99, save $20
One Year XBL Gold membership with purchase of Xbox One, $44.99, save $15
Need for Speed Rivals (PS4) $49.99, save $10
NBA 2K14 (PS4) $49.99, save $10
PlayStation 4 Gold Wireless Headset $89.99, save $10
Target Canada
Select 3DS, Xbox 360, and Wii games, 2 for $30