The negative press towards the Xbox One just keeps coming. Can’t Microsoft’s next gen system catch a break? Once again we’re talking about the console’s power, or lack there of. However, I will defend them on this one.
It all started with a tweet earlier today. Former IGN editor Jeremy Conrad put out a list of resolutions that Xbox One games run at. Forza of course runs at 1080p, along with FIFA and NBA2K. However, two of the most important launch titles, Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts, are only 720p. David “CheapyD” Abrams confirmed that this is indeed the case. How scandalous. It seemed to prove the Xbox One’s GPU really was far too weak for proper eighth generation gaming. Of course the Sony crowd was beaming with schadenfreude. A lot of jokes popped up across the web saying that maybe Microsoft should have named it the Xbox 720 after all.
Fanboys do have such short memories, and PS4 gamers definitely have no right to gloat over this story. Back in August, DICE confirmed that Battlefield 4 only ran at 720p on the PlayStation 4 as well. They traded the additional resolution for a higher frame rate, which will result in a smoother gameplay experience. It’s also worth noting that Microsoft never promised that all Xbox One games would run at 1080p. It was simply an assumption gamers and the press made with little evidence to back it up. Sony on the other hand did say they were aiming for full 1080p at 60fps for all PS4 games. Oops.