Nintendo debuts the 2DS

From hell’s heart I stab at three, screamed 3D gaming in its last dying breath. Nintendo has debuted the latest model of the 3DS. This budget version dubbed the 2DS costs $50 less yet retains all the features, except the 3D display.

When Nintendo announced it, a lot of people including myself thought it was a joke. However, the company has been downplaying the 3D functionality of the 3DS lately. Admittedly, it was never well utilized for gameplay.

2DS_large_verge_medium_landscapeThe 2DS design is a bit radical compared to previous portables. It still has dual screens. However, Nintendo has done away with the clamshell. It’s intended to echo tablets though it’s chunkier, and the two screens are not seamless. Controls have also been moved to the top of device, which seems to defy  logic. Of course this cheaper device is aimed at kids, so getting rid of the easily damaged hinge is a bonus.

Nintendo says the 2DS will be compatible with all 3DS and DS games. It will ship with the same accessories that the 3DS does including AR cards and an SD card. It will sell for $129.99 and will be available on October 12th.

Source: Nintendo
Image via: The Verge

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