Apple puts a band-aid on iPhone 4’s antenna issues

    Apple has ‘solved’ the iPhone 4’s signal problems. Announced at this afternoon’s press conference, the company will be providing free cases for iPhone 4 customers up until September 30th. You’ll be apple to apply on Apple’s website starting next week. Jobs said that customers will get their choice of case. Steve Jobs continued to deny…

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      Apple to Consumer Reports: Sod off

      Apple was hit with more devastating news today over the iPhone 4’s antenna woes. In order to boost reception, Apple integrated the phone’s two antenna’s into the outside of the case. Many complained about the phone dropping calls when the two are touched together. The problem is particularly bad for lefties. In a major blow,…

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        Buying an Xbox vs. PS3 without the BS

        Asking a group of gamers “Xbox or PS3” is like asking a group of car guys “Ford or Chevy.” You’re going to get a lot of different answers since both camps have their devoted fanboys. It’s a complicated decision, especially now since a the Red Ring of Death and programming difficulties for both systems have…

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