Flower Review

    There’s a couple of things I learned from Flower. First of all, PSN games can rival or even exceed their more expensive boxed counterparts in technical accomplishment. Second, I should not keep my house plants caged in pots, as they yearn to live out in the wild. I tried setting them free but that didn’t…

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      Apple’s iMac Still a Design Mess

      The problem with Apple’s laptop and all-in-one systems: they’ve never exactly been easy to upgrade. Even an every day task such as simply replacing the hard drive can be an incredible chore. When Apple released the unibody Macbooks, this task was made a lot simpler by having it locked under a simple panel with a…

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        PSP Going Retro? Maybe

        Aside from it’s unique control scheme, one of the Wii’s strongest features is its Virtual Console. Nintendo has compiled a list of classic games from systems like NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Master System, and TurboGrafx-16 that are available for download. This has renewed interest in retro gaming and has brought downloadable emulator into the legitimate…

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          Apple Updates Mini, Confirms Rumours

          Well, Apple has updated it’s desktop line and has finally put new hardware in the Mini. Surprisingly, the rumours about the Mini seem to have been correct. The system does indeed feature five USB 2.0 ports, Firewire 800, and both a mini-displayport and mini-DVI. When stripped down to it’s nuts and bolts, the hardware is…

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            End of the Line for Xbox 1

            Microsoft has announced that they will no longer be servicing original Xbox models no longer covered by warranty. If the system is still covered by warranty, which is very unlikely at this point, Microsoft will still honour it but will either direct you to a third party repair centre or cajole you into upgrading to…

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              Afro Samurai Demo Mini Review

              I can probably best describe Afro Samurai as incredibly violent Okami. Well, maybe I wouldn’t got as far as to directly compare it to one of the greatest games ever made. The game is based on the hit cartoon series staring Samuel L. Jackson and ageing Asian hottie Kelly Hu (Visas Marr in Knights of…

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                PSP Stages Major Comeback

                A lot of us thought the Sony Playstation Portable was on its last legs. Apparently not. Sony is making major investments in the system. At the annual Destination Playstation event, five major titles were announced for the system. –MotorStorm: Arctic Edge: It’s Motorstorm on PSP, this time with an arctic setting. New vehicles include the…

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                  DSi Coming April 4th

                  There have been many rumors regarding when the Nintendo DSi will hit North American shores. It has finally been confirmed that it will indeed arrive in the United States on April 5th. CNET hailed it as the next evolutionary step in Nintendo’s handheld line. I tend to disagree. The upgrades to the system are relatively…

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