The Great Snow Leopard Unboxing

    I would have done this yesterday but unfortunately I missed the Purolator guy given that I’m out of the house from 7am to 6:30pm usually. I’ve been living at home while attending school given how expensive housing is. You’d think one of my retired parents would have heard the doorbell but apparently they’re both completely…

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      Ifixit’s PS3 Slim Teardown

      The folks at Ifixit love taking new tech apart as soon as they can get their hands on it. The PS3 Slim is no exception. You can see that a lot of changes have been made internally over the generations. The heat sink in the new version is considerably smaller thanks to the 45nm cell…

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        Game Cars: Sully’s Grumman Goose

        Nathan Drake’s treasure hunting has taken him to the far corners of the world. Nathan Drake is searching for the remains of Francis Drake off the coast of Panama. Legend has it that Drake’s lead coffin was buried at sea empty, containing only the infamous explorer’s diary that leads the way to the treasure of…

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          Game Cars: 1960 DeSoto Adventurer

          I’d though I’d start another feature for the month profiling the cars of gaming. Every hero needs a set of wheels to get around and the car is often the unsung sidekick in the gaming world, outside of racing games. Take Sam & Max for example. A crime fighting duo consisting of six foot tall…

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            Consoles Suffering High Failure Rates

            Magazine Game Informer surveyed 5000 readers to determine failure rates and satisfaction with the repair process for the three current generation consoles. The results show that the Xbox 360 is suffering a staggering number of hardware failures. Of the respondents, 360 owners reported that 54.2% of their consoles had failed. Those sent in for repairs…

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