Current Generation Portable Round Up

    Following up on round up of consoles, let’s take a look at the portables.

    Gaming Laptop
    See Gaming PC

    Sony Playstation Portable

    -Best graphics our of all current portables, equivalent to early PS2 games.
    -Large library of games that are geared toward intermediate and hardcore gamers
    -Excellent personal media player capabilities, boxed movies available
    Playstation Store for downloadable games and DLC expansion packs
    -Conventional control scheme
    -Cheapest current generation portable at $169 for Core system with $199 bundle packs that offer excellent value
    -Backwards compatible with original Playstation games
    Skype service on PSP-2000 and up
    -802.11b wireless internet for ad-hoc or network play, Internet browser and RSS 2.0 reader
    -Connectivity with PS3 allows media streaming
    -Unlimited number of saves on flash cards

    -Mediocre battery life
    -Few new games being produced for system
    UMD drive slow
    -Proprietary Memory Stick Pro Duo memory cards are expensive. Core model does not ship with memory card.
    -Analogue stick can be awkward to use. No second analogue stick means players can sometimes encounter game camera control issues.

    Nintendo DSi

    -Large library of family and non-gamer friendly titles including those from Nintendo’s hit series.
    -Innovative touch screen control combined with conventional control layout
    -Excellent battery life
    -Flash based game cards virtually eliminate load times, makes games more portable
    -Built-in VGA camera for taking pictures
    -Ad Hoc wireless play
    DSiware store provides downloadable games
    -SD Card slot allows games to be stored, as well as provides MP3 playback.
    -Graphics on par with Nintendo 64

    -Poor value. Costs $199.99 in Canada for just the system itself, while PSP bundles provide the system, two games, and a movie for same price.
    -Limited number of games that appeal to intermediate and hardcore gamers
    -Music playback vary limited, no video playback
    -Built in wireless uses legacy 802.11 speeds. Too slow for internet access.
    -No longer backwards compatible with Gameboy Advance games. Not compatible with Guitar Hero World Tour and other DS peripherals that use the GBA expansion slot.
    -Lowest screen resolution of all portables. 256×192 compared to 480×272 on the PSP and 480×320 on the iPhone
    -Some may dislike use of dual screens, stylus, and microphone in gameplay.
    -Game saves directly on game cards. Vary limited number of saves.
    -Does not come with SD card

    Apple iPhone / iPod Touch

    -Highest resolution screen of all portables
    -All games downloadable for instant play
    -Excellent media and web functions, iPhone is also a phone and GPS unit. Full featured video iPod.
    -Wide variety of non-gaming apps available, can be used as a MID or PDA.
    -Games appeal to non-gamers
    -Fast built in 802.11g wifi. iPhone has 3G networking for fast mobile connectivity.
    -Innovative motion controls

    -Most expensive of all current generation handhelds. $199 for iPhone but requires mandatory 3yr contract with cell company. Touch costs $229.
    -Worst graphics of the current generation
    -Most games are primitive, highest amount of shovelware than any other system. Limited support from major game publishers. Limited appeal to most gamers.
    -Lack of expandable storage limits how many games can be stored on the device at one time
    -Mediocre battery life when gaming
    -No online play
    -Touch screen controls vary limited and often awkward to use
    -Games can only be downloaded over Wifi connection or through iTunes; not 3G.

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