Probably one of the most anticipated items for the PS3 this year isn’t even a game at all. Sony has finally dated the release of the DualShock 3 in North America. The new controller will cost $54.99, which is about $5 more expensive than the comparable Xbox controller.
The DualShock 3 finally adds the much desired rumble function to the PS3. Many Playstation fans were upset with Sony when they did not include rumble support for the SixAxis. The reason behind this was actually a patent dispute with Immerson Corporation over the rumble feature, a dispute Nintendo had also been involved in. Another reason was claims that the rumble interfered with the motion sensing function, with Phil Harrison claiming that rumble was a last generation feature. I personally think the litigation had more to do with the issue than anything else. The DualShock 3 is identical to the SixAxis complete with motion function and the added rumble feature. The one possible downside is lower battery life due to the fact that the rumble motors draw 10x as much power as the SixAxis. This might be an issue for some though the controller can be used as either wired or wireless. The DualShock 3 has been for sale in Asia for some time, where it can be bought or imported for North American use through stores like Play-Asia. The feature was added with Firmware 1.94. The DS3 comes in either black or white.
Source: PSU